Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Stepsister

Listen, I've heard quite a few impressively strange things. However, this takes the cake. When I moved here I was made to get a job and was hounded until I got one. My stepsister Tricia had a job, she had two and was allowed to quit both and claimed the reason behind it is her bi-polar. In case you haven't noticed retarded citizens hold jobs. People with actual mental disabilities hold jobs. There is no fracking excuse for anyone who is as smart as she claims to be to not hold a job. You see this is not the problem however. The problem is that even though she has no money she continues to spend money she does not have. Not to mention that my parents allow her to go wherever she wants in their car without making her pay for gas. Does anyone else see the flaw in this?

1 comment:

-Chris Sosa said...

I do! Haha.

Seriously, that's ridiculous.