Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Once again, I'm slime.

Yesterday I had a kick-awesome day. Today is not one of those days and tomorrow doesn't look good either. Why? My family of course! Once again I am a condescending jerk because I was talking about guitars in my kitchen. Trick please, if I were a condescending jerk I wouldn't be talking about mother fracking guitars! I would probably talking about America's alarming obesity rate, the theory that global warming may or may not be saving us from the next ice age, and the fact that I'm the only one in the darn family who walks anywhere. Hey Suess Christo people! It's also pretty sad that me taking a shower offends more people than when I don't take a shower. Perhaps it's time for my family to get their priorities in order before they go attacking me because I just happen to know more about guitars than they do.

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