Saturday, May 31, 2008

I'm Pissed

I light a candle in the house and suddenly I'm a drug addict.
Fuck the people in this house.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Okay so I've neglected my blog...
I've neglected my blog a lot.
I've been busy with my crappy job, my recently more difficult school work, and my band that is now gaining personal momentum. It's not like anyone reads it anyway. So lets catch you up.

Mykle is currently in agreement with a friend to quit drugs. I am constantly craving a new escape.
Mykle works at Subway in Perry. I hate it.
Mykle's family thinks he is a stoner. I am disappointed.
Mykle isn't sleeping well anymore. I am constantly tired.
Mykle's family is now giving a monetary allowance to each individual in the house to pay for food.(As opposed to eating together.)
Mykle's sister has a boyfriend. The guy is pretty cool.
Mykle has been to prom with his friend Kelzie. Got asked to his prom by Jessica but turned her down due to lack of money.
Mykle's band has recorded a crappy cover. "Yay!"

Thats the lowdown.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Job

Yeah, I'm pretty much down with working at Subway...